A WREXHAM man has been fined and banned after testing positive for two substances when he was pulled over.

Kyle Paul Griffiths, of Tan y Bryn, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 21-year-old admitted that on February 4 this year he drove a vehicle on Whitegate Road in Wrexham when the proportion of benzoylecgonine and cannabis in his blood exceeded the specified limit.

He also admitted that on that date he had in his possession a quantity of cocaine.

Rebecca Ross, prosecuting, told the court that on the day in question, police saw a blue Ford Focus with a nearside headlight out.

They stopped the vehicle and identified the defendant.

A roadside drugs test returned a positive result and he was arrested.

In custody his blood was analysed and found to have 338 microgrammes of benzoylecgonine (the limit being 50) and 6.1 microgrammes of cannabis (the limit being 2).

When searched he was also found to have a small bag of white powder in his pocket, which was confirmed to be cocaine.

Ceri Lewis, defending, told the court: "Mr Griffiths was fully co-operative with the police when they stopped him.

"He lost his sister last year and got in with a different crowd than the one he usually hangs around with. "He started partying with them and taking drugs to help him forget his problems. "He has completely abstained from cannabis and cocaine now and his partner is expecting their first child."

Ian Hughes, chair of the Magistrates, said: "You have lost your good character, which doesn't bode well for you.

"[Drug use] does impair your driving.

"We could be in an inquest today as a result of your driving under the influence.

"You've now given up drugs - you need to keep it that way."

Griffiths was fined a total of £600 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £60 victim surcharge.

He was banned from driving for one year.

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