REPORTS of catalytic converter thefts across the UK have dropped by 57 per cent as people opt to forensically mark their vehicles, it has been confirmed.

Catalytic converter thefts peaked in March 2021, with 3,245 recorded in the UK that month.

Thefts have steadily declined since, with 1,378 recorded in July.

A surge in the price of precious metals saw theft of catalytic converters become a national issue earlier this year, and police across the UK joined forces to combat the trend.

In April, British Transport Police (BTP) coordinated a multi-agency operation to tackle catalytic converter theft.

More than a thousand stolen catalytic converters were recovered and more than 50 people were arrested. During the week, over a thousand vehicles were also forensically marked by officers and partner agencies.

In addition, a national asset database was created to register catalytic converters, allowing police to identify whether recovered catalytic converters are stolen.

Catalytic converters are marked with a uniquely formulated and heat-resistant solution created by SmartWater, which is linked on the database to a specific vehicle.

SmartWater scientists can identify the vehicle it came from with just a fragment of the solution, increasing the chance of thieves being caught.

The database is operated by the Centre for Infrastructure and Asset Protection (CIAP), an intelligence unit made up of analysts who are accredited police contractors, tracking organised crime groups around the UK.

They work with police on the National Infrastructure Crime Reduction Partnership (NICRP), which is led by BTP, to reduce and tackle crime.

Cheshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Jenny Simms, National Police Chiefs' Council Lead for Vehicle Crime, said: “It’s pleasing to see that we are already seeing positive results from this multi-agency operation, however we know that there is still a long way to go.

“Policing and law enforcement agencies will continue to work with manufacturers and other partners to focus on catalytic converter theft and ensure that this crime, perceived as low risk/high-reward is relentlessly targeted, and offenders are brought to justice.”

National Police Chiefs' Council Lead for Metal Crime, BTP Assistant Chief Constable Charlie Doyle, said: “We recognise the disruptive and costly impact catalytic converter theft has on victims, so we’re very pleased that we are starting to see it decreasing.

“This positive reduction is testament to why it’s vital we join forces to share information and specialist knowledge to disrupt those operating in this area of crime.”

Reports of catalytic converter theft should be made as soon as possible to increase the chances of detection.

People are encouraged to report any suspicious activity to the police by calling 101, or 999 if an offence is in progress.

If you spot something at a railway station, contact BTP by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40.

Alternatively, anonymous reports can be made to Crimestoppers online or by calling 0800 555111.