CALLS for more police on the streets of Deeside have been made to increase safety.

Jack Sargeant MS and PCC Andy Dunbobbin have been urging the UK Government to 'make good on its promise' of an additional 62 police officers in Deeside.

In the Senedd this week Deeside's MS Jack Sargeant welcomed the Welsh Labour Government's commitment to funding an additional 100 police community support officers across Wales in addition to the 500 already funded by the Welsh Government.

The pledge was a popular feature of the party's recent election manifesto, which highlighted the need to fill the capacity gap left in police forces across Wales following a decade of austerity.

Mr Sargeant said in 2018, the number of police officers across England and Wales was the lowest since 1981.

The said: "I'm pleased the First Minister has joined our calls for additional officers in Deeside and welcome his firm commitment to funding additional PCSOs across Wales.

"The Welsh Government has shown it understands the need for proper funding to be in place to keep our communities safe, I only wish the UK Government would demonstrate the same and deliver the promised additional officers for Deeside."

First Minister Mark Drakeford added: "Alyn and Deeside had fewer police officers in the year 2020 than it did in 2017, despite the promises that have been made.

"So, I'm certainly happy to commit to work alongside him and the new Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales to make sure of the promises that have been made by the UK Government to undo some of the harm that they themselves have inflicted on the safety of communities, and to deliver on the promise they've made."

The UK Government's Home Office said they have delivered 'above and beyond' what was committed to North Wales as part of the police uplift programme with 99 additional officers recruited in the first year.

They said they will 'go further' with at least 61 additional officers expected in year two of the uplift.

A spokesman added: "We are also providing the policing system with up to £15.8 billion in 2021/22, an increase of up to £600 million compared to 2020/21. We expect Police and Crime Commissioners to use the extra funding provided to deliver for the public and have more officers on the streets to keep people safe."