Pupils at a Connah's Quay school spent a week before half term, busy learning more about Wales and the Welsh language.

Hana Jones, a Year 5/6 teacher at Ysgol Bryn Deva, planned, prepared and organised a whole school Welsh Week, 'Wythnos Cymraeg', for the end of term.

Every member of staff went above and beyond to make it a successful, memorable experience for the children.

The Criw Cymraeg led the week through videos, which can be seen on the Ysgol Bryn Deva website, which were shared at the beginning of each day.

The week began by designing t-shirts as a themed afternoon, celebrating Wales and Welsh culture.

The children then designed their own 'Prosiect Croeso' plaque, with the winning design by Kacey Roberts being displayed at the front of the school in our new Welsh Hut.

The children then had the opportunity to engage in yard games, modelled by staff and led by class members of the Criw Cymraeg.

The youngsters explored a wide range of Welsh apps and websites, playing a variety of games, then completed a Welsh poetry recital entitled Draig Cymru, which was won by Mr Thomas' class.

A whole school Kahoot! game against classes was thoroughly enjoyed, with Miss Jones' class being the winners. Da iawn iddyn nhw!

The children decorated their classrooms and the entire school to share the advantages of learning Welsh and to contribute towards classroom displays.

The grand finale took place on Thursday and Friday, where each class was given the task to parade around the school to win the 'Best on Parade' trophy.

After much deliberation, Criw Cymraeg picked Mrs Foley and Mrs Smith's class as the winners.

Mrs Smith said: "My class are absolutely thrilled to have won such a prestigious award! But the most important thing about this week has been bringing so much fun to learning about the Welsh language and culture.

"My class thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities, which were so well planned and executed. A big thank you to Miss Jones for organising it all."

Macey Jones, a Year 6 pupil said: "This week has been fun because we got to make lots of crafts and I like Welsh more now."

Matthew Nowell, Year 5, said: "I have absolutely loved this week."

The school is hoping that all of this hard work will help them to obtain the Cymraeg Campus Silver Award. Pob lwc Ysgol Bryn Deva!