A WREXHAM woman who started planning her own funeral in secret has been given a new lease of life thanks to a new form of medication.

At the start of 2020 cystic fibrosis sufferer Jody Lewis, from Pen-y-lan near Wrexham, was fighting for her life having contracted flu.

The 31-year-old’s lungs were weak and damaged after two years of multiple hospital admissions to treat blood clots and narrowed veins.

She faced the prospect of a double lung transplant, but surgeons were reluctant to put her on the list while she was so frequently ill.

However, she was one of the dozens of patients being treated at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital [LHCH] NHS Foundation Trust with Kaftrio, a triple drug treatment that has proven to have major benefits.

Jodie said: “At the time I had spent two years of my life in constant agony from the pressure build up in my head due to the narrowed veins.

“My lungs were rapidly failing; I was on continuous intravenous drips at home, I was having constant chest infections and was unable to properly clear my lungs. I had to use oxygen to walk just a few steps.

“Lung transplant was now becoming a very serious and very scary option.

“I was 29 years old and facing a very bleak future, I had even begun planning my funeral in secret as there was no guarantee I would survive the transplant, yet alone make it past one year.”

Jody was a keen horse rider and animal lover and owned three horses and five German Shepherd dogs.

She believes that one of her pets played a part in her recovery.

She had been told by her physio that she couldn’t leave hospital because she needed such a high level of oxygen.

Then one night she got a call that her oldest dog Daisy Duke was very sick.

She said: “I had to be with her so my dad picked me up and I rang the vet and asked her to meet me at home. I was hooked up to oxygen tanks in the car home and I remember having a sick and empty feeling in my stomach.

“As soon as I saw Daisy Duke lying by the fire I knew she had to go and she was put to sleep that night. I lay on the floor cuddling her and crying, I felt so guilty I’d not been there for her in her final months.

“We buried her in a favourite spot; I didn’t return to hospital as I didn’t want to spend another day away from my other dogs.”

Three days later Jody had a call from hospital to tell her here was a supply of Kaftrio waiting for her.

She added: “Within a week of taking the tablets I no longer needed oxygen at rest.

“I was putting on weight and my energy levels were rising. I was waking up in the morning actually feeling refreshed and not drained.”

She goes on to say that the drug has allowed her to reclaim her life.

Jodie continues: “I lost nearly three years of my life battling one complication after another, facing so many setbacks and seeing myself wither away and change from being energetic, bubbly and happy to a very lost, angry and frail person.”

Jody now sees the possibility of having a family – which she had previously ruled out.

She said: “It took a long time for me to get my head round the fact that I wouldn’t be able to have kids and now, thanks to Kaftrio, it is a possibility. It has saved my life and given me a new lease of life, it is like a miracle.

“It is so important to keep a positive mindset and never stop fighting; I am proud of myself for not giving up even when all the odds were against me. I’d like to tell anyone else who feels like they are sinking to dig deep and just keep on fighting, whatever happens.”

Jody is planning to use her experiences combined with her love of animals, to help others.

She has joined the volunteers at Therapy Dogs Nationwide and is undertaking training in counselling for children and young people.

She is looking forward to working with her dog Echo to help children with illnesses and learning disabilities.

Jodie added: “I cannot thank my wonderful family and friends enough for all their help and support; and the amazing cystic fibrosis team at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital.

“I believe I had to have this experience to get to where I am today, in a position to help other people. I am now ready to begin the next chapter of my life with the people who were always meant to be there.”

The LHCH Trust’s Clinical Lead for Respiratory Medicine Dr Martin Ledson said: “I did not think it would happen in my lifetime; all the patients suitable for the treatment have had huge benefits.

“If it is possible, we are as pleased as the patients – we have been watching and waiting for these therapies to be developed and made available and now it is a reality, it is a wonderful success.

“Also, due to flexibility in the criteria of eligibility for treatment agreed by NHS England as part of the deal with Vertex Pharmaceuticals, we are now able to offer it to more of our CF patients.”