DELIGHTFUL displays of daffodils are being degraded by dog fouling, a concerned resident has said.

On her daily walks, Debbie Kay said people are having to ‘play dodge the dog poo’ due to the increasing levels of dog fouling.

She told the Leader she was particularly disgusted when she went to take a picture of a daffodil but ‘discovered mounds of dog poo’ at the base.

She said: “St David`s Day looms and for a couple of weeks now, delightful displays of daffodils have been appearing in our gardens, the woods and along the coastline.

“Flintshire may not be considered a top tourist attraction but for those of us who live here, we are blessed to be surrounded by scenic countryside and to have a choice of beautiful coast paths to walk along.

“One of my favourites and luckily for me, one that I can currently access is Greenfield Dock. Built in the 1700`s, it served as a bustling port for many year, importing raw materials and exporting copper and cotton from the Greenfield Valley Mills.

“Sadly, it also played its part in the slave trade, acting as a calling point on the way to Liverpool. Nowadays, it is still busy, as a start and return point for the busy cockling industry and local fishermen.

“There is a lovely path at Greenfield Dock which makes for easy and accessible walking with stunning views across the Dee Estuary towards the Wirral and down towards Connah's Quay.

“A variety of flora and fauna are abundant here throughout the year and one of the first that we are treated to is a spectacular display of daffodils lining the edge of the path for a large proportion of its length.

“It’s not hard to see why the path is so popular with walkers, many of whom are dog owners. Now this brings me on to the sad part. Whilst the majority of dog owners are extremely responsible and dispose of their dog`s waste appropriately, it would seem that there are some who turn a blind eye to what their dogs are doing and consider it acceptable to leave it on the ground."

Debbie added: “It leaves people having to be vigilant and play dodge the dog poo as they walk along, whilst trying to enjoy the view.

“However, I was equally disappointed and disgusted when, on stepping on to the grass verge one day to take a close up photo of the daffodils, I discovered mounds of dog poo at the base of at least half a dozen bunches. Such a shame for the scene to be spoiled in this way.

“I don`t believe there is any reasonable excuse for this unpleasantness, especially as there are two dog waste bins along the path. We should all respect the beauty around us and our fellow human beings. Happy St David`s Day to all.”

The Leader has previously reported on concerns over increasing complaints of dog fouling in Flintshire.

Local representatives Jack Sargeant MS and Cllr Sean Bibby called for dog owners to make sure they clear up after their pets following complaints from residents.

Residents are being asked to report dog fouling or any evidence of culprits – you can get in contact using or telephone the helpline on 01352 701234. Mobile users can download the Flintshire App, provide details and attach photos.