BUCKLEY residents were inspired and amazed after a teenager sculpted a huge snow dragon.

Rachel Savage spent five hours making the creature at the Higher Common on Saturday.

It came after she crafted a snow bear a few weeks earlier.

Rachel, 19, said: "This is out first year living here. When we lived in Leighton Buzzard our family made up a tradition of building snow bears.

"We made one of those about two weeks ago when it snowed, so when it snowed again this weekend we thought as we live in Wales, why not make a dragon?

The Leader: Rachel Savage with the snow bear she made recently. All photos provided by Helen CrosslandRachel Savage with the snow bear she made recently. All photos provided by Helen Crossland

"I love dragons. It got out of hand with how big it became and it took about five hours in the end."

Pictures of the dragon spread on social media and soon many people were stopping by to see it on their walks.

"We didn't know it would get so much attention," Rachel said.

"There have been people here having their photo with it and looking at it.

"People have been a bit down, having to quarantine and everything. "But some have told us it inspired them and their children to make their own. "I love that it's helped other people."

The Leader: Rachel Savage made the snow dragon over the weekend. All photos provided by Helen CrosslandRachel Savage made the snow dragon over the weekend. All photos provided by Helen Crossland

Rachel's mum Helen said: "I think it's fabulous, we're getting a lot of people saying this has brought them out for some fresh air when they'd normally just stay inside.

"Now lots of people have been making their own - it looks like an invasion of snowmen on Buckley Common!"

Rachel said her current sculpture project is a wolf and her mum is making a lion.

The Leader: The dragon received much attention and praise from residents. All photos provided by Helen CrosslandThe dragon received much attention and praise from residents. All photos provided by Helen Crossland