THE level 4 restrictions will be 'devastating' for businesses that have struggled through the pandemic, a business leader has said.

The Leader previously reported that Wales will be facing level 4 restrictions as the coronavirus risk rises to 'very high'.

This means all non-essential retail, including close contact services and all leisure and fitness centres will close at the end of trading on Christmas Eve.

All hospitality premises will close from 6pm on Christmas Day and tighter restrictions on household mixing, staying-at-home, holiday accommodation and travel will apply from December 28, after the five-day Christmas period.

Businesses have already faced much torment and uncertainty over the course of the pandemic.

Askar Sheibani, chairman of Deeside Business Forum (DBF, said: "It is in away, a disappointment because we believed after the firebreak that things would get better.

"The problem unfortunately is that the firebreak was a good idea, but it wasn't enforced properly. Back in Spring, I remember police were everywhere and checking everyone and there was a real, rigid enforcement.

"Because it wasn't enforced properly, as a result we are moving into more difficulty and more uncertainty. The business community is not happy about it all, it will be damaging to the economy and damaging to businesses.

"As a result, more businesses will go bankrupt and more jobs will be lost. It is damaging but it is inevitable. Government has no choice. The problem is the enforcement."

Mr Sheibani said that there is an expectation that 'things will be worse after Christmas' which is 'going to be devastating'.

He added: "Government has no choice, that have got to take action but they have to follow it up with enforcement and make sure everyone adheres to it.

"Don't give the wrong message that everything is okay, don't come up with one message and then change it because that creates mistrust and confusion and further inflicts a huge amount of economical suffering for our area.

"Christmas is usually a busy time for many businesses. Welsh Government should have planned this properly. I genuinely believe that the four nations should have worked together with one single message rather than different nations acting in a different way.

"Our area in Flintshire is practically part of Cheshire, it's right on the border and there are people living both sides. When there's no coherent message from all four nations, it creates further confusion and further suffering which then returns further human loss and job losses."

The Leader previously reported that thousands of jobs will be created and the region’s economy will be given a £1bn boost now the ground breaking North Wales Growth Deal has been signed.

Both the Welsh and UK Governments and the North Wales Economic Ambition Board formally approved the five programmes that make up the Deal, a key driver of the overarching Growth Vision for North Wales.

Mr Sheibani said this could not have come at a better time.

He told the Leader: "I am optimistic about the future. We have had a big announcement with the North Wales growth deal, that is big. We are lucky to have that, it will help us drastically when the vaccine is rolled out and things will get better.

"We will have that big financial injection to our infrastructure, we can have transformative change in North Wales, that has come at the right time just before Christmas. At least there is some good news.

"I am optimistic, I am very proud, We have a strong community, we will fight this."