THERE has been a record number of rare seabird chicks born at a nature reserve in Flintshire.

A total of 20 pairs of little Terns nested at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Point of Ayr Nature Reserve, near Talacre this year.

In 2019, this site only hosted three pairs, so this crowd of Terns came as a big surprise, as these adult birds successfully raised 27 chicks, which is a new record for the site.

Little Terns are the UK’s second rarest breeding seabird, and are recognised by their small size and a distinctive white forehead.

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They spend the winter in West Africa and migrate to Britain in the summer to breed on our soft sand and shingle beaches.

Little Tern nests are vulnerable to many different threats and pressures such as predation, human disturbance and flooding.

If they are able to breed successfully, little Terns will often return to the same nesting beach every year.

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Dan Trotman, RSPB visitor experience manager, said: "We couldn’t believe it when so many little Terns turned up at RSPB Point of Ayr this year.

"It was a real privilege to have these special birds nesting on the reserve and we hope they return in 2021.

"Through careful habitat management we’ve created a suitable nesting sites for these seabirds, this year it’s been fantastic to see this hard work pay off."

There is only one other little Tern colony in the area which is in Gronant, and is managed by Denbighshire Council.

Jim Kilpatrick, senior ranger for Denbighshire Council, said: "This year birds which failed to nest at Gronant due to adverse weather events are thought to have relocated to Point of Ayr.

"Historically, there were a number of small Tern colonies scattered along the North Wales coastline, but many were lost due to habitat changes and human disturbance.

"The Terns are incredibly sensitive to habitat changes, favouring areas of sand and small shingle.

"It is incredibly important that the Terns have these alternative suitable nesting sites, should conditions become unfavourable at their usual site.

"Without these additional sites and protective measures in place, the Terns could potentially fail to breed altogether, which over time can lead to the loss of the entire colony.

"For this reason, it is incredibly important that we continue to work together to protect the Terns and the habitats they require to thrive."

Mr Trotman, added: "It’s brilliant that we were able to provide the little Terns with a safe haven and escape the unusual weather at Gronant.

"I’m not sure where the birds would have gone without this habitat.

"It really demonstrates how we need to ensure these incredible birds have plenty of suitable homes along our coastline, which was a key part of the EU Life-Funded Little Tern Project which ended last year.

"It’s not enough to just protect current little Tern nesting beaches - we need to be looking at potential future sites, to help provide some options for nesting sites."