A BUSINESS leader has spoken of his concern that local news organisations could be "wiped out" by the impact of covid-19.

Deeside Business Forum chairman Askar Sheibani has said recently that he is planning to campaign for greater support for local news companies.

He confirmed that today (Thursday) he is to take part in a webinar with UK and Welsh Government Ministers and he intends to raise his concerns with them directly.

The question he has submitted to be asked is: "Local media/press have been providing a valuable public service within our communities for many years.

"Their contribution, especially during this pandemic, is extremely well received.

“They are now subject to massive financial pressure and their existence is under threat - all whilst continuing to maintain their vital contribution to our local democracy and economy.

“Isn’t it about time to recognise these small locally based press/media as public service providers who are also entitled to government grants and support?”

Mr Sheibani, who is also managing director and CEO of Comtek Network Systems, told the Leader of his motivation for backing the local news industry.

He said: "The local press is embedded in the fabric of our community; socially, economically and politically.

"It has relevance for every part of our society and we can't have a true local democracy without quality, independent information.

"A lot of our mature members of society also rely on the local press. "They walk to their news agents and buy that paper and they love to read it.

"We can't deny them that opportunity, because they're not all using social media and the internet.

"Local news companies are at the very heart of our communities.

"My concern is that they will be wiped out - and that will be a very sad day.

"They are providing a fantastic public service and this needs to be recognised urgently."

Mr Sheibani's question is to be answered by ministers today.