WELSH Government and NHS Wales are appealing to the public to download a new COVID Symptom Tracker app to help the NHS response to COVID-19.

People across Wales are being asked to log their daily symptoms to help build a clearer picture of how the virus is affecting people.

The app is for everyone, not just those who are experiencing symptoms.

Developed by researchers at King’s College London and healthcare science company, ZOE, the COVID-19 Symptom Tracker is already being used by more than 38,000 people in Wales, and over two million across the UK.

People are using the app to track their daily health and any potential COVID-19 symptoms. It is also being used by healthcare and hospital workers.

Data from the COVID-19 Symptom Tracker app will be shared daily with the Welsh Government and NHS Wales. It will give early indications of where future hospital admissions are going to be.

To find out more visit: gov.wales/coronavirus-symptom-tracker-app.