A BUSINESS leader has launched a campaign to save north Wales firms from "destruction".

The Leader reported recently on a pledge by Askar Sheibani, chairman of Deeside Business Forum (DBF), to not stand by and watch the region's industries be "decimated" by the knock-on impacts of the coronavirus.

He also vowed to "name and shame" any banks which did not step up to help struggling local businesses stay afloat.

Mr Sheibani, who is also the managing director and CEO of Comtek Network Systems, confirmed he has now launched the campaign and has called on both the Welsh and UK Governments to help.

In a letter to businesses, he explains: "The impact of Coronavirus cannot be allowed to destroy our businesses in North Wales.

"We have to stay united, vocal and fight together.

"The banks and UK and Welsh governments have a national and patriotic duty to act fast to save businesses and jobs right now.

"The banks were saved by taxpayers in 2008. Now it’s time for payback.

"Bureaucracy cannot be permitted to delay the urgent support needed from the UK and Welsh governments by SME businesses. Political sound bites will not save us.

"DBF will campaign vigorously with your help to highlight the urgency of the condition we are in.

"We cannot afford to see our businesses and communities wiped out and the North Wales economy going into freefall.

"Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of having time on our side.

"Every hour, every day is crucial for all of us and our communities.

"Delays will cost people their livelihoods and the destruction of local businesses."

In the letter, circulated on Friday, he describes four of the demands he feels need to be voiced "forcefully, clearly and loudly."

These include the cancellation of business rates for every sector within SME businesses, regardless of its rateable value, as well as the coronavirus business interruption loan scheme applying immediately and the Government guaranteeing 100 per cent of the debt to help with the cash flow.

He also called for PAYE and VAT tax payments to be deferred for at least six months in addition to the Government covering at least 50 per cent of wage bills for the next six months.

Speaking to the Leader, Mr Sheibani said: "I sent this to over 2,000 businesses and I am getting a lot of emails back - they really appreciate this campaign. "Some of the smaller businesses are crying out for help. These businesses cannot survive for a long time."

Regarding the call for the cancellation of business rates for every sector within SME businesses, a Welsh Government spokesman said: "Our £1.4bn support package announced this week will help small businesses, which are the lifeblood of our economy and are facing challenges and pressures as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

"We are also developing a wider package of support to provide further assurance the business community needs.

“We continue to lobby the UK Government to prioritise the needs of small businesses and would encourage the Chancellor to consider more ambitious and direct support as the outbreak continues to progress, similar to the ideas outlined by the Deeside Business Forum.

“Our dedicated regional team in North Wales is in close contact with businesses in the area and is available to provide support at this unprecedented time.”

On Friday the Leader reported how Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak vowed there will be “no limit” to the funding needed to pull the UK economy and its workers through the coronavirus crisis.

Measures include a VAT holiday worth around £30 billion and a fund for workers to receive 80 per cent of their pay.

But the costs are expected to send debt levels soaring with around 2 per cent of UK GDP pledged.

HM Treasury was approached by the Leader for comment on the other demands made by Mr Sheibani's campaign.