AFTER getting through the likes of the World War, we can get through this – a town Mayor has said.

As fear continues to spread quicker than the coronavirus itself, panic-buyers are clearing the shelves and elderly being ‘denied the food they need’.

However, Buckley Mayor Cllr Arnold Woolley said that the older generation has lived through the war, rationing, Asian Flu and ‘other things thrown at us’, the country can get through this.

He is urging elderly residents to adhere to the advice given to UK Government of self-isolation and is encouraging people to take this seriously.

He told the Leader: “Being in the at-risk category myself and being Mayor and councillor all we can do is follow the advice we have at present.

“It is a tremendous worry. If you need to go out and do anything you can’t, how many smaller businesses are going to go bust for lack of cash.

“At the moment UK Government won’t make a legal order to allow them to invoke enforcement so this will hit a lot of businesses hard, likely the local businesses.

“These people who are panic buying, it is a majority of younger people. Us older ones, we are a bunch of people who came through the World War, came through Asian flu and rationing and other things thrown at us - we will get through this.

“All of these panic buyers will regrettably be the downfall of the NHS because they are ‘worried well’ and may have a cough or cold and go into panic mode.”

Cllr Woolley said although he disagrees with how UK Government is handling the situation – as more enforcement is ‘needed’ – he is ‘proud’ of the level of community spirit.

He added: “What is Boris doing when there are examples of how world leaders have handled this virus.

“They homed in with testing and they know exactly everywhere it was going. It appears dear Boris is playing a bit of an experiment and quite frankly it’s frightening

“But people are coming together to be there for their locality, caring for people who can’t get out and about themselves.

“Thankfully we do have that community spirit going on and my advice for any of the older community who find themselves in any difficulty or shortage, get in touch with your local councillor. Get in touch with organisations, if we can’t help, they sure can.”