A NEW short film is being shown in a select number of Welsh cinemas to help people understand the possible signs of terrorist activity.

The one minute long advert was first aired in seven cinemas across Wales – including Odeon in Wrexham – on Friday (March 6) and will continue to be shown until April 26.

It is hoped that the short film will help viewers to recognise the possible signs of terrorist activity and explain what the public can do to help Counter Terrorism Police officers.

The advert, called ‘Look Again’, shows what sort of behaviour could indicate that someone is planning a terrorist attack, and has already won a number of industry awards.

It then explains how members of the public can ‘ACT’ (Action Counters Terrorism) to report their concerns while also stressing that it is not a waste of police time.

Detective Superintendent Noel Harris from the Wales Extremism and Counter Terrorism Unit (WECTU) said: “One of the key messages of the film is that life has no rewind button.

“If you report concerns and they turn out to be nothing that’s completely fine. But you can’t turn the clock back.

“It’s much better to contact us and let our specially-trained officers make an assessment. As the film says, reporting won’t ruin lives, but it could save them.”

As well as Odeon Wrexham, Look Again is also being shown at the Cineworld, Odeon, Vue, and Premiere cinemas in Cardiff, as well as at two Cineworld locations in Newport.

Anyone with concerns about possible terrorist activity can contact police in confidence at gov.uk/ACT, but any emergency should be reported by calling 999.