NUMEROUS arrests have been made in Deeside after a Police crackdown on crime saw more than 70 people stopped and searched over the weekend.

Using the power of section 60 - which allows Police to stop and search people and vehicles - officers seized a quantity of weapons, several thousand pounds of cash as well as both Class A and B drugs.

The powers, which came into effect on Friday evening, saw officers make a total of 45 stops on the first night and because of its success, led to them being extended into Saturday, which resulted in a further 30 people being stopped, with a third of those yielding some sort of contraband being seized.

Speaking on Friday, Inspector Gareth Cust said: "Due to the knife related Incidents in Garden City and the Connahs Quay areas this week I have today authorised a Section 60 in the Deeside area. This started at 5pm this evening and will last for 24 hours as the legislation allows me.

"This gives officers the power to stop and search any person or vehicle without normal grounds in the locality I have designated (Essentially all of the North Flintshire area of Deeside), the object being to catch and disrupt those carrying weapons that harm our communities.

"I have dedicated extra staff carrying out this order tonight in the Deeside area. This is not a power I take lightly and is subject to much scrutiny .

"I do so in reaction to events and to make / keep our communities safe. This allows my officers to discharge this instruction in accordance with legislation.

"I thank the public for their cooperation and support of this order."

Two vehicles were also seized during the stops and numerous arrests made and police say everyone involved in the offences will be dealt with robustly.