A FLINTSHIRE politician has taken on a role in an engineering project.

The Engineering Education Scheme Wales (EESW) has announced Lord Barry Jones has agreed to become its president.

Lord Jones was the Member of Parliament for Flint East from 1970 to 1983 and became MP for Alyn and Deeside in 1983.

He was a member of the Labour Government 1974-79.

In 1994 he was appointed by the Prime Minster to the then new intelligence and security committee on which he served until 2001.

In the 1999 Queen’s Honours List he was made a member of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom.

When the Commons was dissolved for the 2001 General Election Lord Jones retired from the House of Commons.

Lord Jones was then made a Life Peer with the title of Baron Jones in the county of Clwyd.

The EESW Trustees have said they feel his patronage will be very helpful to the scheme.

Tim Williams, chair of the trustees, said: "Lord Jones was very impressed when he first saw the activities of the EESW in Flintshire schools and instantly wanted to help.

"Given his background, stature and considerable experience we are very fortunate that he has agreed to be our president and we look forward to working with him to increase our profile and value of this great scheme."

Lord Jones said: “I am delighted to become president of the EES Wales. "Engineering is vital to the future of the United Kingdom and its prosperity.

"It offers great career opportunities for our young people.

"I recently met with the sixth form team at Alun School, Mold to hear about the “North Wales Big Bang.

"It is a scheme that is going to bring benefits to local employers and young people alike.

"I look forward to supporting many such events in the future.”