IT WAS a night to remeber in Mold as the 'United by Music' concert took place. 

The concert, which took place on Friday (June 23) at Bethesda Chapel and proved to be a celebration of culture and diversity, coinciding with Refugee Week which took place from June 19 - 25. 

Organised by Mayor of Mold, Cllr Teresa Carberry alongside Asylum Link Merseyside, the event complimented the mayor's theme of diversity. 

Reflecting on the evening, a thrilled Cllr Carberry said: "Using my chosen theme of ‘Youth, Culture and Diversity’, this concert ‘United by Music' the Mold version was specifically planned to take place during Refugee Week, the theme of which this year has been compassion.

The Leader:

"In Wales, we pride ourselves on being a welcoming Nation of Sanctuary, and here in Mold we reciprocate this, joyfully celebrating Welsh culture and its beautiful language."

The mayor also extended her thanks to everyone who made the event the success it was.

She added: "Everyone involved in making this event happen, in a multitude of ways, both performers, caterers and volunteers, gave freely of their time. I cannot even begin to express the magnitude of my thanks to them, and to all those who supported the event.

"It really was a team effort, showing compassion in action! It was both humbling and joyous and fantastic to see what might be done when members of Action Asylum and Flintshire City of Sanctuary combine their efforts to work in beautiful harmony!"


The evening saw a collection of performances from singers and speakers from around the world, with some in the audience moved to tears. Whilst speeches were given by Hannah Blythn MS and Sarah Ellis from the North Wales Wildlife Trust who highlighted some of the conservation work underway by Asylum seekers in the Mold area.

The Leader:

Emma Leaper from Action Asylum said: "It was a feast for the ears and eyes! A vibrant and fun evening with a real sense of togetherness and community.

"It was the perfect way to celebrate refugee week and the contributions made by those who are forced to flee their countries and end up in our neighbourhoods, wanting to contribute and belong.

"Everyone was smiling, the atmosphere was warm and fun... we were all in this special moment together, thank you to everyone who came along."

The evening featured music from 

Mountain Harmony Chorus - Wales

Asylum Link Music Group - Worldwide

Simon Hughes (organist) & David Norris-Clamp (Oboe) - Wales

Ashkan – Persian classical singer - Iran

Cynefin - Wales

The Asylum Link Choir - Worldwide

Tegeinl Tanglers - Wales

Teeman Zaki – harmonium player and singer - Pakistan

 Late Lawson - Togo, West Africa

All money raised from the event will go to the Mayor of Mold's charity. 

The Leader: